Silent time of the year or clever marketing strategy?
Christmas - A time for families to get together, sing christmas songs and devoutly watch snowflakes falling to the earth.or
Christmas - A time of hectic and stressed out people rushing through the shops at the weekends to buy some last minute presents as they fear to show up at a christmas party without having presents for each and every friend and their friend's friends.
Is Chirstmas really centred around goodwill and meaning or is it all about presents, discounts and getting each other up on serving the most spectacular christmas dinner? Although we would of course never admit, for most of us the holiday season is a discount season that allows us to go crazy on consumerism without having a bad conscience, because "it is Christmas" and we don't buy it for ourselves, we buy it to show our beloved ones how much we care about them. Yes sure. We can spend money on things we normally would never buy because "it is Christmas", and we eat tons of unhealthy food, but who cares "it is Christmas".
Don't get me wrong I don't want to accuse anyone or be the kill-joy, if you enjoy eating something special on Christmas eve that you wouldnt eat every day and if you enjoy your hot chocolate and your christmas cookies while exchanging gifts in a nice family atmosphere, go for it, that's totally fine! But does it always have to be more and more? Why can't we appreciate the simple things anymore? People always emphasize that the most important thing about Christmas is spending time with friends and family and enjoy the peaceful time, but often reality is different and we are blinded by bright advertisements and the handsome guy on TV telling us that without personalized house slippers for everyone we shouldn't even think about showing up at any christmas event.
Of course i also enjoy receiving a present from someone who really cares about me and has thought about what to give to me to make happy, but when did this gift giving obligation come up that seems to be totally normal these days and makes us feel embarassed if we don't have a gift for someone we meet randomly on the street and don't even know that well!? I appreciate a gift that comes from the heart, but I don't need gifts or greetings coming from people that I barely know or from those who just feel obligated to do so. ( and: Hey friends, hey family if you didn't find anything suitable for me this year, thats ok I still love you ;) )
Thats not what it is all about, I don't want the holidays to bring my friends and family out in a cold sweat because it is already october and they still don't have an idea what to buy for me. Instead of falling into a frenzied panic for the perfect gift we should concentrate on what really matters to us ans remember that showing love to someone doesn't necessarily have to be accompanied by the latest smartphone. It should be love that is all around us and not advertisements over advertisements encouraging us to buy stuff that we don't need.